Monday, September 7, 2015

Photo Shoot No. 3: Simplicity

There are so many simple things in life that are beautiful. When you pay attention to them, you realize that they make a big impact on your attitude, and how you look at life. I think that this picture captures the simplicity of genuine everyday moments. Hopefully you do too! Look for more pictures soon! :)

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Photoshoot #2: In Honor of the Pineapple...

Here are a few pics of a pineapple. Hope you enjoy. :D
Pineapple face ;)

Just chillin'

Natural awesomeness!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Photo Need-to-Know Info

Hi! I thought that it would be good if you knew a little about the photos that I take.

1. I take pictures of what inspires me
The themes that I choose for my photo shoots are pretty much based on how I am feeling, and what I enjoy. :)

On all of the pictures that you will see, there are no filters! I like to see the original picture. I love it when the original looks breathtakingly and unexplainably amazing.

3. Photo Quality
I am not a professional photographer, so don't expect perfection. I enjoy taking pictures, which is exactly why I do it, but it is not my career.

Thank you so much for reading this, and I hope that this helped with further questions! :)

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Photoshoot 1: Nature

Today I went outside and took some pics of nature. #photoshootno1

Monday, June 8, 2015

Pineapple Photography Studios

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog! A little while ago, I thought that it would be fun to make my own photography company, so I thought about what I should call it. I decided that Pineapple Photography Studios sounded super cute, professional, and of course, fun. :) I will be posting some of my photo shoot pics on this website, so look out for some pictures soon!